Web release note

Release notes on the NFT Garden NFT Garden Web platform.

Ver 1.2.2

Update: 2024/5/16

New features

  • Support Polygon zkEVM

  • Change Test network supported in Ethereum,Polygon,Optimism,Arbitrum

Ver 1.2.1

Update: 2023/10/20

New features

  • Supports NFT generation of SoulBound Token

  • Support for contract name to be the name on the blockchain

Ver 1.2

Update: 2023/6/15

Official Version Released

  • Completely revamped screen UI

  • Paid plans (EUs) introduced

  • Ethereum and JOC blockchain support

Ver 1.10

Update: 2023/3/10

New features

  • Support for NFT minting in Harmony, Celo, Fuse, Evmos

Ver 1.9

Update: 2023/2/17

New features

  • Support for NFT minting in Arbitrum One, Arbitrum Nova, Moonbeam, Moonriver

Ver 1.8

Update: 2023/1/19

Functional improvement

  • Enabled the link to OpenSea for NFTs minted by BNB Chain(bnb-mainnet), Avalanche (avalanche,avalanche-fuji) and Optimism(optimism,optimism-goerli) in the NFT list screen.

  • Enabled the link to OpenSea for NFTs minted by BNB Chain(bnb-mainnet), Avalanche (avalanche,avalanche-fuji) and Optimism(optimism,optimism-goerli) in the Webhook notification.

Bug fix

  • Minor bug fixes

Ver 1.7

Update: 2022/12/12

New features

  • Support for NFT minting in Solana and BNB chain

  • Support for two marketplaces, Magic Eden and element

  • Support for Phantom wallet

Bug fix

  • Minor bug fixes

Ver 1.6

Update: 2022/10/19

New features

  • NFT transfers are now available

  • Webhook notifications implemented for NFT transfers

Bug fix

  • Minor bug fixes

Ver 1.5

Update: 2022/8/19

New features

  • Optimism, Fantom chain support, and NFT creation in 4 additional networks

  • Added "Music NFT" to template when creating NFTs

  • Implemented a webhook to notify the results of NFT and collection creation

Functional improvement

  • Token ID is displayed on the NFT list screen with a link to the Token details screen

Bug fix

  • Minor bug fixes

Ver 1.4

Update: 2022/7/21

New features

  • Support for Avalanche chain, allowing NFT creation on two networks

  • Support for digital wallet MetaMask

  • Link to the NFT marketplace on the NFT list screen

Functional improvement

  • Retry button on NFT list screen

Bug fix

  • Minor bug fixes

Ver 1.3

Update: 2022/6/16

New features

  • Support for displaying NFTs on the NFT marketplace tofuNFT

  • Support for creating NFTs with 2 new chains and 4 networks, including Astar Network and Shiden Network

  • Added "Video NFT" as a template when creating NFTs

  • Language change to English is supported

Functional improvement

  • Layout of the NFT creation screen has been changed to make it more intuitive to use

  • Modified to allow users to change collection settings created in the NFT Garden and displayed in OpenSea

Bug fix

  • Minor bug fixes

Ver 1.2

Update: 2022/3/25

New features

  • API key menu added, NFT creation API implemented as standard for all users

Functional improvement

  • Modified to automatically change the status indicating deployment status on the Collection List and NFT List screens

  • Added GIF and Webp to the list of image file formats that can be used with image NFTs

Bug fix

  • Minor bug fixes

Ver 1.1

Update: 2022/3/18

Functional improvement

  • Free NFT submission to OpenSea on Polygon chain(as of 2022/3/18)

  • Unlimited number of NFTs can be created by beta users

  • Modified to display contract addresses by collection

Bug fix

  • Fixed a bug that the detailed display could not be expanded by dragging with icons when selecting individual items on the NFT list screen and the collection list screen.

  • Minor bug fixes


  • Adding a survey function to enter user attributes

Ver 1.0

Update: 2022/1/31

  • NFT Garden beta version launch

Last updated